Your Story.
Crafted by your new friends.

You know how your GoodFriend always tells the best stories? Well, that’s what we do too.

GoodFriend is a production company based in Chicago. 

We’re your new favorite content partner because we love long walks to talk pre-production before working to bring your dream story to life. GoodFriend executes end-to-end commercial production with access to all the tools to make our shoot days the most perfect of memories. 

You’ll love our easy to work with and friendly nature as we bring the final edit forward, on time, and within budget. Connect with us, let’s talk about what you have in mind; we’re here to listen.

Ryan Luciani, Director

Client Experience

Bud Light
Boost Mobile 

Lake Forest Country Day School 
Side Street Golf 
Zo Building
Brass Heart
George Trois
Darvin Furniture 

Our Services

GoodFriend can provide end-to-end production services but we are more than happy to collaborate with more of your friends. We can do any or all of the following and if you have a production feasibility question, please don’t hesitate to send us an email and ask how we might be able to get it done.

⤷ Pre-Production

⤷ Camera & Grip Gear 

⤷ Line Production

⤷ Directing

⤷ Director of Photography 

⤷ Sound Design

⤷ Editing

⤷ Lighting

⤷ Color Grading


"I've worked with a great many media producers in my 35 years in the restaurant business. The finest partnership I've ever had with such a producer has been with GoodFriend. Ryan leaps ahead of everyone I've ever worked with. He is an exceptionally talented person. The value of his work and its production value is unsurpassed, in my experience.”

Michael Lachowicz — Chef/Proprietor, The George Trois Group 

With all of the moving parts that come with coordinating a shoot, one thing I never have to think twice about is working with GoodFriend. With years of expertise and an incredibly personable crew, GoodFriend has always been able to provide high-quality work and make everyone on set feel comfortable

Tinbit Asfaw — Producer, Demo Duck

“We were fortunate to be introduced to GoodFriend about three years ago and haven't looked back. What struck us initially in reviewing their portfolio was the quality of their work; the cinematography and the way they stitched a story together. What we've come to love is the genuine spirit of collaboration and the way they've become part of our community. You can find great cameras and editing software, but directors/producers of this caliber are a rare breed. We're proud to have GoodFriend as our creative partners.”

Alex Sheridan — Director of Enrollment, Marketing, & Financial Aid, Lake Forest Country Day School

GoodFriend brings an attitude that is remarkably productive. They’re hungry and dedicated to the work. They want nothing more than to be craftsmen on set, but also super fun to work with. We're either enthusiastically collaborating, or laughing our rears off, which typically equates to some really quality work. ”

Adam Moorman — Founding EP and Director, All Day Breakfast

GoodFriend has played an integral part in expanding our video production capabilities in the Midwest and beyond. As a new production company in the United States, partners such as GoodFriend allow us to scale and grow in step with the needs of our clients. 

Ryan feels like a true member of the team, and we have zero hesitation in putting him directly in front of clients to convey and execute his creative vision for a project. 

Brock Marlborough — Executive producer, Makers